Saturday, May 10, 2008

Just to check in....

Haven't posted in a while, so I guess I should catch you all up.
A couple of weeks ago, I got to hold Tiny for the first time--I was almost afraid of breaking him, he seems so fragile. He's gaining weight fast now, he's up to 4 lbs, 10 oz! He's also been moved out of the incubator and into a regular bassinet, which means that he can regulate his own body temperature. Oh, and apparently he has a "super-power"--the ability to produce really smelly (the kind that can knock you over) diapers! lol

I'm looking forward to spring making its full appearance here, because I want to do some work in our yard and make it look nice. I've got some hostas and a bleeding heart that I want to plant, and I want to pick up at least one rose bush, as well as a raspberry bush and a blackberry bush. I've got some shrubs I need to trim before they try to take over the yard, and I want to get more stepping stones--right now the path only goes about four feet from the front gate! : )

A while back I posted that I was thinking about getting a different job. Well, I'm less stressed about my job now--it seems that either less stuff is getting stolen (which was my main frustration), or else I'm just more relaxed about it. But I still need to be making about twice what I am, which isn't going to happen in retail. Not here, anyhow--by the way, I'm only making $8 an hour, which is sad, considering that I could go to work at just about any fast-food place (eww--been there, done that, don't want to anymore) and make $8.50 to start. Bleah. So I'm toying with the idea of learning to be an ultrasound tech. Just have to figure out how to pay for it...

On a more fun note, last weekend, Dave, Heather, Tex, and I went to Riverfront Park. That's an undeveloped park just a couple of miles from our house. There are a couple of lakes there, and always a bunch of Canada geese and some ducks there. Heather and I fed the ducks and geese, and then I wanted to go for a walk on some of the trails. She didn't want to, though--she just wanted to wander around by the main lake with Tex, so off I went by myself.

I saw (and heard!) a bunch of red-winged blackbirds, a muskrat swimming in the smaller lake, and a beaver's lodge (but no beaver). There was a HUGE cottonwood that the beavers had tried to chew down, but apparently gave up on. It looked like an axe had been taken to it, and it leaned a bit, but didn't seem to be in any danger of falling down. Also there were a couple of places where tree branches came all the way to the ground and made "caves." I can't remember now if the trees were dead or not, but hopefully not, because those would look cool all leafy and green! I wish I'd had more time to go walking around, but we had to get home and finish cooking dinner. Next time I'll try to make sure I've got a camera so that I can put some pictures up.

Okay, I think that's all for now. I've really got to get out and do some stuff so this blog isn't so Have a good one, folks!


Nettie said...

Thanks for the update babe!
And you're not doing too bad - you seem to update your blog more regularly than I do ;-)

Mouse said...

I'm so glad that Tiny's doing so well!

My word verification is 'bahbbbpb', which sounds like a burp...